Lindsay Wexler
Associate Professor of Education
Contact +1 630 637 5962
Office Location
STAD 307

Dr. Lindsay Joseph Wexler is an Assistant Professor of Education. She grew up in Naperville and prior to earning her Ph.D., Dr. Wexler taught fifth grade in Palatine, IL. Her research focuses on ways to support novice educators during student teaching and the induction years, specifically looking at the role of the mentor(ing) in the learning to teach process.
Download CVSelected Scholarship
Wexler, L. J., (2023). Supporting mentor teacher learning and reflection through audio recordings in professional development. Reflective Practice. Link to pre-print article:
Wexler, L. J. (2021). Learning about social justice through literature circles in an elementary literacy methods course. Action in Teacher Education, 43(4), 464-478.
Guenther, A., and Wexler, L. J. (2021). “I've never really thought about social justice in a classroom”: White mentor teacher learning about social justice through sustained professional development. Teacher Education Quarterly, 48(3), 53-79.
Wexler, L. J. (2020). How feedback from mentor teachers sustained student teachers through their first year of teaching. Action in Teacher Education, 42(2), 167-185.*
*Winner of Editor’s Choice Award for the 2020 Outstanding Article
Stanulis, R. N., Wexler, L. J., Pylman, S., Guenther, A., Farver, S., Croel Perrien, A., White, K., & Ward, A. (2019). Mentoring as more than “cheerleading”: Looking at educative mentoring practices through mentors’ eyes. Journal of Teacher Education, 70(5), 567-580.
Courses Taught
EDUC 260
EDUC 460
EDUC 494