Jazz Studies Curriculum
Music, Jazz Studies Track, B.A.
The Jazz Studies program at North Central College is fully staffed with an adjunct faculty of world-renowned professional jazz artists, whose combined credits read like a veritable "Who's Who" of jazz. The program affords students the opportunity to study firsthand with these highly visible professional artists, all of whom are currently active within the art form as well as being experienced jazz educators.
In addition to intensive one-on-one instruction, students also pursue studies in jazz harmony, jazz history and jazz improvisation. Ensemble and performance opportunities include Jazz Combos, Vocal Jazz Ensemble and Big Band, all of which participate in numerous jazz events throughout the year, both on and off campus. The College's close proximity to one of the world's great centers of jazz enables students to observe and participate in the Chicago area's active music scene.
Major Requirements:
- MUS 101 - Music Theory I
- MUS 102 - Music Theory II
- MUS 108 - Aural Skills I
- MUS 109 - Aural Skills II
- MUS 201 - Music Theory III
- MUS 208 - Aural Skills III
- MUS 258 - Introduction to Musical Styles and Ideas
- MUS 181 - Jazz Improvisation I
- MUS 182 - Jazz Improvisation II
- MUS 260 - Jazz Harmony I
- MUS 261 - Jazz Harmony II
- MUS 281 - Jazz Improvisation III
- MUS 282 - Jazz Improvisation IV
- MUS 305 - Jazz History I
- MUS 306 - Jazz History II
- MUS 360 - Jazz Composition and Arranging
- Three terms of applied jazz music
- Three terms of applied classical music (MUS 211, MUS 221 or MUS 231)
- Nine terms of jazz ensemble
- Successful completion of the Jazz Piano Proficiency Exam Completion of a 30 minute Junior Instrumental or Vocal Jazz Recital
*Under special circumstances a Senior Project (such as a composition recital or conducting lecture/recital) may be substituted for the Senior Recital. Department Chair permission is required for a Senior Project.Completion of a 60 minute Senior Instrumental or Vocal Jazz Recital*