
Nicole Schielein

Transfer Admission Counselor


+1 630 637 5806


Community College Visits:

College of Lake County - all table visits are located in the Student Commons (near Café Willow) from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

  • Fall 2024: September 17th, October 3rd, and November 12th, 

McHenry County College - all table visits are located in the College Transfer Hub (near Advising) in Building A from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

  • Fall 2024: September 30th, October 15th, and November 14th 

Moraine Valley Community College - all table visits will be from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

  • Fall 2024: TBD

Triton College -all table visits will be from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

  • Fall 2024: TBD


On-Campus Visits: 

Individual Appointments at your convenience. I strongly recommend seeing the campus to know if NC is a good fit for you. This gives you an opportunity to see campus in-person with one of our admission counselors and/or tour guides (current NC student). You can view tour availability and register here. Please read our health and safety guidelines thoroughly if you come to campus.  


Virtual Information is available on our website! Click here to find more details on our virtual campus tour and campus photo gallery. 

Meet with me for an unofficial transcript evaluation:

Contact me directly ( to have an unofficial evaluation of your transcripts. We are currently offering virtual appointments through Zoom, or over the phone, as well as campus visits. 


Our next traditional start term possibility, Fall 2024, begins Wednesday, August 21st. For full admission, financial aid, and registration consideration, there is a target date of August 1st, 2024 for Fall semester file completion. If you cannot complete your file by this date, call our office at 630-637-5800 to discuss your situation. We are also admitting students for our Spring 2025 semester, which starts on January 6, 2024.



Learn about your Admission Counselor:

Favorite thing about North Central: North Central College has so many opportunities to be successful as a student, community member, athlete, artist, and explorer. I truly enjoyed the small class sizes and the ability to grow strong connections with all staff members to ensure my success. In addition, I love supporting North Central Athletics, and tailgating the football games!

Words I use to describe North Central students: Supportive, Collective, Learners, and Personable.  

Why did I choose to become an Admission Counselor/staff member at North Central? Since graduating from North Central College, I have been a teacher and always looking for opportunities to grow. I too was a transfer student to NCC. Therefore, I feel like I can empathize and help students through the transition process of finding the best school for themselves, as North Central did for me. 

Favorite Naperville restaurant: Downtown Naperville has plenty of amazing restaurants, but my favorite one is Quigley’s! I highly recommend their fish and chips while enjoying their beautiful outdoor patio. If you still have room for dessert, Cookie Dough Creation is a delicious sweet treat.

Favorite season in Naperville: Without a doubt, fall is the best season in Naperville. From the gorgeous trees changing colors to the vibrant Football season, there is no other fall like a Naperville fall. 

Advice to students: My best advice to students is to be yourself and step outside your comfort zone to explore all the clubs and programs North Central has to offer. If you do have the opportunity, NCC offers amazing study abroad programs. Lastly, do not be afraid to ask for help! You have a whole staff and student body cheering you on. The personal connections you make through North Central are always there for you and will last a lifetime.