
Emily De Vita

First Year Admission Counselor


+1 630 637 5828

Profile Picture

Hello! I am so happy you are here! Have a question? You can reach me at (630) 637-5828 or

Favorite thing about North Central: The genuine, bright, and empowering individuals who are the foundation of North Central's admirable, unmatched community. Honorable mention: The garlic mashed potatoes that are served in Kaufman Dining Hall.

Words I use to describe North Central students: Driven, encouraging, radiant, and warm.

Why I chose to become an admission counselor at North Central: As a student, my experience at North Central College was unparalleled. I was challenged, empowered, enlightened, and inspired. I owe a great deal of my individual growth to this institution, as it truly transformed me - for the better. I am deeply passionate about empowering students, through sincere encouragement. I enjoy emphasizing students' potential, in order to connect them to opportunities that will allow them to flourish. I am adamant about supporting students and aspire to provide them with resources that will make their college experience as special as mine.

Favorite season in Naperville: Autumn!! The vibrant trees are so beautiful and so colorful. I am not exaggerating when I say 75% of my phone's camera roll consists of foliage-related photos. 

Advice to students: Be YOU!! As Mister Rogers once said, "You are a very special person. There is only one like you in the whole world." Remember this, as you begin your journey into higher education. Leave a little sparkle, wherever you go. Lastly, try the garlic mashed potatoes from Kaufman Dining Hall.