group discussion

short read, BIG THINK Series

Join Us...

for a series of lively virtual discussions on relevant and timely topics led by faculty of the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program at North Central College. 


There is no preparation before each event: the short read and or video will be reviewed at the beginning of the event. Then, engage in vibrant and enlightening BIG THINK discussions with scholars, students, co-workers and community members.


Contribute your thoughts on how the reading affects you and our society, culture, and environment. Will your perspective be confirmed or changed? Formulate a sense of where we go from here and how you can take action and make a difference.  



Intersectionality Past and Present

An energetic discussion with Dr. Ann Dolinko, professor of the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program and others from the graduate school community. First, a short read of the moving speech "Ain't I a Woman" by Sojouner Truth, born into slavery in 1797, followed by a short Ted Talk "The Urgency of Intersectionality" by Kimberle Crenshaw that looks boldly at the reality of race and gender bias. Then a lively, BIG THINK discussion to help us understand what intersectionality is and why it matters in today's world. See you there!

September TBD, 2021 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.   

Click here for the short read       Click here for the short video

headshot of Dr. Dolinko