Psychology/Neuroscience Study Abroad
Study Abroad
North Central offers its students a variety of opportunities to expand their horizons and study abroad for either a few weeks or an entire term. Psychology and Neuroscience majors have taken advantage of these opportunities to examine cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspectives of their fields and to study topics unique to the country they visit.
Students from our department have studied abroad for a term in Costa Rica, Germany, Scotland, Ireland, England, Greece, France, Italy, and South Korea. Some applied for and received Richter grants to conduct independent research. For example, one examined the effects of self-esteem and aggression on the development of depression in adolescents in Scotland; one studied parent-adolescent relationships and adolescent self-esteem in Northern Ireland; and another examined stress and outreach programming among American and Scottish undergraduates and university counselors.
Psychology and Neuroscience students participated in D-term trips to Greece and Italy, Spain and Morocco, Ireland, Uruguay, and England. D-term trips offered by Psychology and Neuroscience faculty include:
- Pestilence, Plague, and the Fountain of Youth – Dr. Maggie Gill
- Portraits of Health – Dr. Karl Kelley
- The Psychology of Spirituality in Italy and Greece: Then and Now – Dr. Trish Schacht
For more information, see International Programs.