English Language Learner
Why pursue a minor in English language learning at North Central College?
English language learners encompass any student who didn’t learn English as their first and primary language. According to the National Education Association, they’re the fastest growing student population with roughly one fourth of all students in public school being ELLs by 2025. A minor in ELL accompanied by an education degree allows candidates to teach in an ELL/ESL program in grades K-12.At North Central College, you will learn the methods, approaches and materials used in the teaching of English as a second language. In this experience-oriented program, you’ll learn how to best teach culturally and linguistically diverse learners.
- Preparing students to speak English proficiently in school and social activities
- Customizing programming to improve learning outcomes for students who have a first language other than English
- Filling a critical niche in a high-demand teaching profession
then a minor in ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING might be for you.
Why study English language learning at North Central College?
In the Classroom
Coursework topics:
- Assessment of English Language Learners and Bilingual Students
- Cross Cultural Studies for Teaching English Language Learners
- Foundations of Language Study
- Methods and Materials to Teach English Language Learners
- Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Teaching ELLs
Beyond the Classroom
As an English Language Learner minor, you can:
- Apply for internships and jobs through robust faculty and alumni networks or the Center for Career and Professional Development.
- Acquire excellent teacher preparation at exceptional high schools.
- Receive extensive guidance to prepare for the rigorous Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA).
- Join Ed Rising, a student-run organization of education students that discuss and analyze major education ideas, trends and issues.
English Language Learner Minor
Teacher candidates earning an initial teaching license at North Central College may elect to add a minor in English Language Learning leading to an endorsement by taking an additional six courses. Adding the English as a Second Language endorsement allows candidates to teach in ESL programs in grades Kindergarten through 12. Electing to add the ELL minor may require a student to take more than 128 credit hours at NCC.
For additional programs and courses in this department, see Education.
EDUC 383 - Methods and Materials to Teach English Language Learners
EDUC 383 - Methods and Materials to Teach English Language Learners
EDUC 384 - Practicum in Teaching English Language Learners
EDUC 384 - Practicum in Teaching English Language Learners
EDUC 385 - Assessment of English Language Learners and Bilingual Students
EDUC 385 - Assessment of English Language Learners and Bilingual Students
ENGL 270 - Foundations of Language Study
ENGL 270 - Foundations of Language Study
LANG 380 - Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Teaching ELLs
LANG 380 - Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Teaching ELLs
LANG 382 - Cross-Cultural Studies for Teaching English Language Learners
LANG 382 - Cross-Cultural Studies for Teaching English Language Learners
- Any foreign language course at 100-level or above (high school equivalency may not be used for this requirement)
English Language Learner Internships and Jobs
A North Central education integrates career preparation with rich academic study. Our faculty encourages you to refine and apply your knowledge in an interconnected world. Here you'll learn to think independently and work globally to solve problems and lead.
Recent graduates in English language learning include:
- English as a second language certified teacher
- Bilingual education certified teacher
- Elementary education teacher
English Language Learner Minor
Teacher candidates earning an initial teaching license at North Central College may elect to add a minor in English Language Learning leading to an endorsement by taking an additional six courses. Adding the English as a Second Language endorsement allows candidates to teach in ESL programs in grades Kindergarten through 12. Electing to add the ELL minor may require a student to take more than 128 credit hours at NCC.
For additional programs and courses in this department, see Education.
EDUC 383 - Methods and Materials to Teach English Language Learners
EDUC 383 - Methods and Materials to Teach English Language Learners
4.00 credit hours
Focuses on methods, approaches and materials used in the teaching of English as a second language. Methods of teaching different language skills as well as theories and practices to differentiate instruction to respond to K-12 English language learners' needs are introduced. Students are engaged in developing, implementing and evaluating lesson plans and materials.
EDUC 384 - Practicum in Teaching English Language Learners
EDUC 384 - Practicum in Teaching English Language Learners
1.00 credit hours
Designed to provide students with an extended supervised field experience in an elementary, middle, or secondary school classroom with an emphasis on teaching English language learners. Students observe, assist and teach several lessons under the joint supervision of a cooperating teacher in the school and a supervisor from NCC. Required: 50 field experience hours. Students are required to provide proof of health insurance. Registration for this course at least 15 days prior to the first day of the term is strongly encouraged as additional background checks may be required; an additional fee could be incurred based on district requirements for background checks. Background check required. Tuberculosis test required.
EDUC 385 - Assessment of English Language Learners and Bilingual Students
EDUC 385 - Assessment of English Language Learners and Bilingual Students
2.00 credit hours
Provides a comprehensive understanding of using assessment data to make informed decisions for the education of English language learners (ELLs). It allows the participants to become aware of critical issues related to the assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Required: 25 field experience hours.
ENGL 270 - Foundations of Language Study
ENGL 270 - Foundations of Language Study
4.00 credit hours
An introduction to linguistic principles through a study of modern English. Students examine approaches to language and linguistics: morphology, syntax, phonetics and phonology and semantics. Child language acquisition, adult second language acquisition and recent developments in neuroscience and computer science are also introduced.
LANG 380 - Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Teaching ELLs
LANG 380 - Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Teaching ELLs
4.00 credit hours
An overview of the theoretical foundations of ESL and bilingual education. Students are introduced to the historical, philosophical, political, social and educational issues that have contributed to models serving language minority students. A focus on second language acquisition and its impact on learning is provided. Historical trends and legal issues related to second language learning and bilingual education in the United States are discussed. Taught in English.
LANG 382 - Cross-Cultural Studies for Teaching English Language Learners
LANG 382 - Cross-Cultural Studies for Teaching English Language Learners
2.00 credit hours
Develops awareness and understanding of various cultural and linguistic factors that are important in addressing the needs of English language learners. Based on theories of cultural studies and intercultural communication, students examine and analyze behavioral expectations and learning styles of learners from different cultural backgrounds and their impact on cross-cultural teaching and learning. Includes 25 hours of clinical experience. Taught in English.
- Any foreign language course at 100-level or above (high school equivalency may not be used for this requirement)
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